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Building a personal connection with audience is one small step towards a mutual trusting relationship. If we provide services through our company or design studio, a nice treat for visitors is finding a team page on our Website.

Ebenezer Nyarko, Editor & MCR Technician

Ebenezer Nyarko is an Editor & MCR Technician at AIT TV

Darius N. A. Agyarko, Editor & MCR Technician

Darius N. A. Agyarko is an Editor & MCR Technician at AIT TV.

Asare Kofi Ayensu Ahwireng, IT Specialist & Technician

Asare Kofi Ayensu Ahwireng is an IT Specialist & Technician at AIT TV.

Harriert Wovenu, Marketing Officer

Harriert Wovenu is the Lead Marketing Officer at AIT TV.

Rethinking the Reendex Experience.

Most time spent on Web Design happens at the point of site design. Most people who consider themselves part of the Web design industry are working at the site level.

Story highlights

Back after a long holiday weekend, lawmakers must reach an agreement on a budget plan before the Friday deadline when government funding runs out, but demands from each side of the aisle are impeding progress on negotiations.