Renowned Ga musician, King Jerry, has voiced his discontent regarding the utilization of his track in a political campaign video by boxer Braimah Kamoko, famously known as Bukom Banku.
The song, entitled “Obaa Gbo Oshi” which translates to ‘you will die and leave it behind’, was unveiled by King Jerry in 2020 and has since remained a hit in communities within the Greater Accra Region.
Bukom Banku has his own rendition of the song, which he performs at various events nationwide. Nevertheless, his recent use of the track seems to have crossed a line.
In a video update posted on his Facebook Page, King Jerry expressed his feeling that the boxer had taken advantage of him by creating a political campaign video for the largest opposition party, the National Democratic Congress (NDC), while performing the song.
He stated, “How can you take my song, shoot a video with it campaigning for NDC without my consent? You have taken my song to do a video for NDC campaigning without telling me anything. ‘Obaa Gbo Oshi’ is not your song and you are not featured in that song… This time around you have gone too far, so get ready for my lawyer champ”.
Source: Graphiconline