Effective communication with your partner is crucial in STI prevention- Dr Mando

Dr. Emmanuel Mando’s interview on AIT TV was very informative and highlighted important points about preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and the potential risks of excessive contraceptive pill use. STIs, such as human papillomavirus, gonorrhea, syphilis, and hepatitis B, can have serious consequences for both men and women. Dr. Mando emphasized the role of condoms in preventing STIs, although he mentioned that they are not 100% effective due to the possibility of fluid transmission. It is important to know your partner well before engaging in sexual intercourse to minimize the risk of STIs and potential complications like fibroid masses and infertility.

Effective communication with your partner is crucial in STI prevention. Dr. Mando stressed the importance of understanding and supporting each other, as this can create an environment where your partner feels comfortable sharing any problems they may be experiencing. It is also important to note that urinating after unprotected sex does not prevent STI transmission or pregnancy, as some fluid may still remain inside the body.

Having multiple sexual partners increases the risk of contracting STIs, so loyalty to your partner is essential. Sharing sharp objects, such as blades or shaving sticks, with an infected person can also lead to transmission. Abstinence or knowing your partner well are the best ways to prevent STIs.

Regarding contraceptive pills, Dr. Mando mentioned that they should be used sparingly, as they are emergency pills. Excessive use can disrupt your menstrual cycle, hormone sensitivity, and overall hormonal balance, potentially causing significant disturbances to your system. Contraceptive pills can also increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy and infertility. It is advisable to limit the use of contraceptive pills to a maximum of two times per year to avoid serious complications in the future.

Overall, it is important to prioritize your sexual health and make informed decisions regarding STI prevention and contraceptive pill use.

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