The Chairman of the National Development Commission, Professor Stephen Adei has noted that in the history of the country, never has there been a more competent chair for the Electoral Commission than Jean Mensa.
According to him, Jean Mensa has demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt that she is more competent than all her predecessors.
He said on Joy FM that Jean Mensa has been fair and firm in executing her duties as boss of the EC, contrary to claims by the NDC.
He remarked that since her appointment, the NDC has made a number of allegations against her but she never budged.
“I think she is the best EC Chair we have ever had in terms of competence”, he said.
“From day one, they have always piled up to paint her negative. I have counted about eight to 10 cases, the NDC will issue a false statement. She will then issue a statement that it is false.
“They will not say anything and move to the next one and issue a false statement and the cycle continues,” he stated.
The former GIMPA Rector also said that the composition of Ghana’s eight parliament is an act of divinity.
He, however, expressed hope in the two sides to work together for the development of the country.
“God has shown himself to be sovereign and I hope NPP and NDC will all recognise it. I don’t believe that anybody expected the results.
“The NPP didn’t believe they would be that bad and the NDC did not believe they would be that good in terms of the Parliamentary seats,” he said.
He disclosed that there were recommendations by a committee established by the Institute of Economic Affairs to stop the ‘winner takes all in Parliament’ practice but it was rejected by the Mills and Mahama administrations.
“Now, they are going to learn that one person determines who becomes the Speaker of Parliament. I hope it will send a good message to all,” he added.
“Thirty-one of them [NPP] lost their seats of which 21 were ministers and deputy ministers. That was a huge blow.”