Mixed Reactions to President Akufo-Addo’s SONA: Calls for Transparency and Accountability

Report by Akpeleasi Flora- 28/02/2024

In the aftermath of President Akufo-Addo’s State of the Nation Address (SONA), Malik Adama, a member of the NDC communication team and former parliamentary aspirant, shared critical insights during a discussion on AIT TV’s morning show.

Adama lamented the absence of key issues in the President’s address, highlighting concerns over the handling of corruption and international debt repayment. He expressed disappointment that the President did not outline concrete plans to tackle unprecedented levels of corruption or address the suspension of international debt payments.

Furthermore, Adama pointed out inconsistencies and inaccuracies in the President’s statements, particularly regarding enrollment figures in the SNIT book. He emphasized the importance of factual accuracy in presidential addresses, calling for greater transparency and accountability.

Regarding the health sector, Adama disputed the President’s claims of outperforming the NDC, asserting that such assertions were unfounded and misleading. He urged for honesty and truthfulness in assessing governmental achievements and challenges.

Adamas’ remarks underscored a desire for clarity and sincerity from the government, urging leaders to address pressing issues with honesty and transparency. As the nation grapples with economic and social challenges, there is a growing expectation for leaders to prioritize accountability and address public concerns effectively.

The discussion on AIT TV reflected a diverse range of perspectives on the President’s SONA, highlighting the need for constructive dialogue and robust scrutiny of governmental actions. As Ghana navigates through complex issues, the call for transparent governance and meaningful engagement with citizens remains paramount.

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